3 Disturbing Smells You Might Notice When You Turn on Your Heater

If your heater has been dormant for many months and you turn it on, you're likely to notice a distinctive smell. While some smells are common, others indicate underlying problems with your furnace, heat pump, or electric heater.  Here are some specific smells you may notice when you turn on the heat.  Dust Smell A strong dust smell is normal when you turn on your heating unit after a long time. Read More 

Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Repair

There's no strict time frame for servicing your AC. However, your unit should be serviced a few times a year. For instance, during spring when the weather is warm, your contractor can schedule tune-ups for your air conditioner to prepare it for the high heat and humidity levels. Here are signs that will help you know when to repair or replace your AC so that you get the best out of your investment. Read More 

EMCI: Sub-Floor Heating And Re-Piping

If you've recently refinanced your home and are looking to invest a portion of your equity into home improvements, a trusted EMCI HVAC specialist can help you with sub-floor heating and re-piping projects. Here are some of the ways that an EMCI HVAC specialist can improve your return on investment and reduce your future energy bills. Sub-Floor Heating Sub-floor (or radiant) heating ranks among the most efficient and comforting forms of home heating. Read More 

Does Your House Need Repiping?

How many times have you repaired your plumbing system in the last few years? Do you deal with leaks, burst pipes, or clogs every few months? If yes, your house likely needs repiping. Below are other signs that your home needs repiping. Discolored Water  If your water is discolored or has a metallic taste, consider repiping. Discolored water is often an indicator of old rusty pipes. However, if you only notice discolored water when you turn on your hot water taps, you have another plumbing problem. Read More 

Top Problems You Might Deal With This Winter If You Don’t Maintain Your Furnace

You might have heard the advice to call an HVAC company for furnace maintenance before the winter begins. You are supposed to do this every year, even if you haven't been having problems with your heating system. However, if your heating system seems to be working like it's supposed to, if you've been really busy, or if you're short on funds, you could be thinking about skipping making this call this year. Read More