Five Signs That You Haven’t Serviced Your AC

Your AC requires an annual service call to make sure it works properly. Skipping that call can lead to the following problems.   1. Poor Air Circulation Does it seem like your house never gets cool, no matter how long the AC runs or how low it is set? The air in the home may even seem more stagnant than usual. This is often the result of a system clogged with dust, dander, and dirt. Read More 

Should You Buy A Used Electric Heating System?

If you are on the search for a good heating solution for your home, you may be attracted to a system that is available at a lower price because it is used. While buying a used furnace, heat pump, or another type of heating system is not necessarily a bad thing, you do have to be mindful of a few pointers. Overall, working with a good heating contractor who can offer advice about the system will help ensure you get the right system for your home. Read More 

3 Things To Consider When Installing A Heat Pump

A heat pump is an excellent alternative to the air conditioning unit. Unlike the AC, heat pumps provide heating as well as cooling. An air conditioner only cools your home during summer, meaning you will have to invest in a furnace to take care of their heating needs in the winter months. A well installed heat pump will offer you the desired temperatures in both seasons. That is one of the fundamental reasons many homeowners invest in heat pump installation. Read More 

Why Your Home Heating System May Fail

A home heating system that no longer keeps you and your family warm and cozy when it is cold ruins your home's indoor comfort. Knowing what the top causes of heating failure are and taking steps to prevent any problems that may develop is crucial to maximizing the performance and lifespan of your home heating system.  If your heating system is giving out, here are some typical culprits behind the problem. Read More 

When You Should Consider 247 Residential AC Repair

Sometimes out of nowhere, your AC unit can suffer a major problem. It may be pretty serious to the point where it's time to call residential AC services. Here are a couple of AC-related issues that might fall into this category. 1. Parts Getting Extremely Hot A pretty simple way to determine if an AC part is working efficiently or not is touching it. If it's extremely hot, that's probably a sign it's working too hard. Read More